
On a Journey

The Journey Begins

I have always been fearless.

When I was 19, I remember telling my 100 year old great grandmother how excited I was to learn how to use ropes to climb and I was moving to the Tetons to be a climber.  She shook her head and said, “why would you be so careless with your life, mi hita”?  I left Colorado for the Tetons and never looked back.  I learned to ski black diamond runs, to climb without ropes, to hike until I could no longer walk.  I learned to fly fish and raft white water rivers almost drowning once.  I loved every minute and would do it all over again. 

So here I am on an adventure unlike any other.  Six words you never want to hear: “you have stage 4 ovarian cancer”. Wow. Really? Me? I’m surprised, but not really.  I’m not afraid to die, but I’m not ready for it to end yet, there is still so much I want to do! I have spent my entire life working and can retire in two years!  And so the journey begins.

Here’s what I know.  I have stage 4 ovarian cancer and it has not spread to other organs. I will go into surgery on Wednesday March 23 to remove the ovary/mass and explore other possible tumors. I will be in the hospital for 4 - 5 days with a recovery of at least 7 days.  Afterwards, when I am better I will begin chemo. I will lose my hair around 3 months. I don't know what to expect and I'm as frightened as I've ever been. I pray for the strength to beat this.

I am putting this blog together for all my beloved friends and family. You all know me well enough to know I tell it like it is, have no filter, can’t hide my emotions, tend to overshare and can’t sit still for a minute. I’m an ants-in-the-pants kind of gal. This will be tough and I will need your love, support and well wishes. Feel free to leave comments below.  If my blog is uncomfortable for you, or you simply can’t stand me, that’s ok, this isn’t for you.

Comfort of Dreams